Singing Guide: Norah Jones

Singing Guide: Norah Jones

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Norah Jones

Norah Jones is one of the most loved and critically acclaimed artists in pop history. With a unique singing style that blends genres and a voice that is both deep and serene, she has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. If you're interested in learning to sing like Norah Jones, there are a few key things you need to know.

Find your voice type

Before starting any singing journey, it's important to know your voice type. Understanding your voice type will help you sing in a relaxed and comfortable manner without straining your vocal cords. First, take the singing carrots vocal range test to determine your vocal range: Vocal range test. Then check the Singing Carrots voice types page, which provides a detailed description of each vocal type: Voice types

Work on your breathing

Breath control is essential for effective singing, so learn to breathe using both your diaphragm and chest to increase lung capacity. Find tips and exercises in the Singing Carrots breathing-related blog posts:Breathing basics, Breath support. The Farinelli breathing video exercise can help you coordinate your breathing correctly before starting any singing session: Farinelli Breathing

Learn about voice registers

Norah Jones sings primarily in her chest voice though she does use her head voice. Learning about voice registration will help you find the right voice for the song you want to sing. Study on the vocal registers including chest and head voice, on the Singing Carrots blog: Voice registers & vocal break

Practice good posture

Proper posture is important when singing to maintain breath and optimize sound quality. Find out how to maintain correct singing posture with tips from the Singing Carrots posture article: How posture affects your singing

Choose the right songs

To truly sing like Norah Jones, you must study her music and try to replicate her style. Choose songs she has made famous, and focus on their unique elements. Pick songs that are comfortable to you or observe what range work she is doing in the song and see if it’s possible to replicate it keeping in mind your voice type. You can also find songs that best match your own vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference on the Singing Carrots song search page: Search songs

Study Norah's unique vocal technique

Norah Jones is best known for her distinctively seductive, bluesy voice and phrasing. Listen her songs and study her style to develop her unique vocal technique. Pay special attention to how she uses her voice to shape sound in different parts of a song, control volume, and add texture to her performances.

Sing with emotion and expression

Norah Jones has said that expression is the most important part of singing. Allow yourself to feel the emotions behind each song, and find ways to convey them through your voice. This will add depth to your performances and make them much more engaging.

Utilize Singing Carrots resources

The Singing Carrots platform has many resources for you to use in your journey to sing like Norah Jones. For example, watch the video tutorials like the "Singing Comfort Zone" which explains how you go from a chest voice to a head voice, and develop a mixed voice in the process. You can improve your breath performance for your singing through the "Sustain Vocal" video tutorial or work on articulations with the "Finger Bite" tutorial. On the "Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game" page you can practice your people skills by taking playing chord and interval games that improve your ear training.


Learning to sing like Norah Jones is not an easy task, but if you focus on her unique vocal technique and use relevant Singing Carrots resources, you can develop your own distinct style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.